Trends in Using Print Media for Offline Marketing


As we step into the year 2023, the landscape of producing print media for offline marketing plans is evolving. In this article, we will delve into the world of print media in marketing, focusing on what should be focused on. We will also discuss trends in leveraging them to effectively target the audience. If you are ready, let us find some answers together!

Types of Print Media for Offline Marketing

Types of Print Media to Focus on for Offline Marketing!

While we may live in the digital age where almost everything is carried out through online platforms, this does not mean that offline marketing media such as storefront signage, out-of-home (OOH) advertising, and print media have lost their relevance. On the contrary, these media still wield considerable influence in advertising and public relations.

Particularly noteworthy are the various types of print media available, which can be adapted flexibly to suit marketing objectives according to the customer journey of a business. These media are essential for creating brand awareness among target audiences and effectively attract external customers to the point of sale, which will establish good relationships and long-term sales. So, what are print media types that should be focused on? We have listed them below.

  • Print Media for Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor media, also known as Out-Of-Home (OOH) media, is considered the primary form of print media in the initial stages of the customer journey. This is due to its relatively large size, high visibility from a distance, and the ability to convey short and impactful taglines that immediately resonate with viewers. It is suitable for initiating marketing campaigns targeting a mass audience, and even small businesses can adapt it by choosing smaller formats such as vinyl banners, roadside billboards, and stickers on public transportation vehicles that roam the city.

  • Print Media for Outdoor Advertising

The next priority is to move closer to the point of sale with advertising signage. These require lower production budgets but deliver highly focused communication. They allow for precise campaign timing and can also be used for marketing purposes, promoting brand images, providing store information, or announcing seasonal promotions. Popular types of storefront advertising signage include roll-up banners, Japanese Noren banners, and storefront posters.

  • Point of Sale Advertising Signage

This type of media is highly favored as it enables pinpoint targeting of messages to customers as they walk into the store. It reflects the customer’s immediate needs and interests, making it highly effective for displaying products, promotions, or discounts, as well as highlighting product features on shelves, facilitating easier decision-making for customers to purchase. Examples include flyers or leaflets, tent cards, hanging banners, product tag signs, shelf talkers, and wobbler signs.

  • Print Media that Support Sales

Beyond targeted print media, what else should you focus on? “Promotional printed media” should be your priority. After successfully reaching out, creating awareness, generating interest, and ultimately closing sales, the next step is to maintain the customer’s relationship with the brand. This is achieved by providing product samples every month, such as monthly product catalogs, and also distributing business cards at any event booths.


  • Print Media for Packaging

Last but not least are print media that enhance product credibility. These include stickers, detailed descriptions, logos, and various necessary standard certifications. Additionally, well-designed packaging boxes can effectively increase beauty, attractiveness, and value. These small details in offline marketing can significantly impact a business’s image if overlooked.

Trend in Targeting Audience with Print Media in 2023

What Are the Interesting Print Media Trends in 2023

1. Applying Personalization Marketing Strategy

Personalization Marketing is expected to gain significant traction in the latter half of 2023. This strategy involves adapting and customizing print media types in offline marketing campaigns to cater to the specific marketing strategies of each target audience. It allows businesses to increase engagement and transform their target groups from “potential customers” to “actual buyers”.

2. Implementing AR Technology to Enhance Customer Experience

To align with the comprehensive marketing approach known as “integrated marketing” which combines offline and online media, augmented reality (AR) technology has become increasingly popular this year. For instance, advertisements in print media that, when viewed through compatible devices, display video presentations of the product. QR codes are also being used to link customers from printed materials to online platforms or various product-related content. This technology improves the functionality of print media and enhances interactive experiences, contributing to better overall customer engagement.

To achieve marketing objectives in both offline and online media while maintaining high-quality prints at cost-effective prices, start exploring the express printing services of Ontimeprint Thailand today. Our user-friendly website allows you to swiftly place orders directly online,  and we stand firmly by our commitment to on-time delivery, no matter how time-sensitive your printing needs are. For inquiries, please contact us via email at [email protected] or call us at 02-026-3147.